Membership Classifications &
Annual Dues
RTPA strives to serve as many paralegals--past, present and future--as we can in the Research Triangle area. Therefore, the membership categories have been structured in such a way to be inclusive of paralegals at different points in their careers. Additionally, it was important that any annual dues not be a hindrance to membership. As such, dues were set at minimal amounts, sufficient enough to cover operating expenses of the organization.
As mentioned previously, RTPA has four categories of members: General, Associate, Patron, and Sustaining. Eligibility requirements and benefits of each category are as follows:
General Membership
In order to be eligible to become a General Member of RTPA, an individual must either reside in or be employed in Durham, Orange, or Wake County, North Carolina. Additionally, the individual must either:
(i) have completed at least one year of continuous on-the-job training as a paralegal under
the direct supervision of a licensed attorney; or
(ii) have completed a paralegal training school or program and is or has been employed as
a paralegal under the direct supervision of a licensed attorney within the past five years.
General Members are entitled to vote at all RTPA meetings on any and all matters up for consideration by the organization as a whole. General Members may also serve as officers or committee chairs for the organization.
Dues for General Members is currently $20. For more information regarding the annual payment deadlines, please see the membership application.
Associate Membership
In order to be eligible to become an Associate Member of RTPA, an individual must either reside in, be employed in, or be a paralegal educator or student in a paralegal training school or program in Durham, Orange, or Wake County, North Carolina. The individual must also either:
(i) be employed as a paralegal under the direct supervision of a licensed attorney but has
been so employed for less than one year;
(ii) be a graduate of a paralegal training school or program, provided such training was
completed within the past five years, but has not been employed under the direct
supervision of a licensed attorney;
(iii) be an educator associated with a paralegal training school or program; or
(iv) be enrolled as a student in a paralegal training school or program and is devoting at
least half-time to a degree or certification program.
Associate Members are not voting members and may not hold elected office or serve as committee chairs. Associate Members may, however, serve on committees.
Dues for Associate Members is currently $10. Paralegal Student Members shall pay no Annual Dues. For more information regarding the annual payment deadlines, please see the membership application.
Patron and Sustaining Membership
Patron and Sustaining Members are individuals, firms and/or companies who express interest in giving added financial support to the goals and programs of RTPA. Patron and Sustaining Members are not voting members and may not hold elected office or serve as committee chairs. They may, however, designate representatives to serve as voting members of committees.
Dues for Patron Members is currently $275. Dues for Sustaining members is currently $75. For more information regarding the annual payment deadlines, please see the membership application.
Benefits of Patron and Sustaining Membership:
- opportunity to participate in bi-monthly meetings to network with RTPA members and receive distribution of meeting minutes;
- designation of representatives to serve as voting members of committees;
- access to RTPA’s Membership Directory;
- recognition at RTPA sponsored events;
- logo listing in RTPA’s membership brochure;
- link/advertising on RTPA’s website; and
- connections with legal professionals serving Durham, Orange and/or Wake Counties
We would like to thank our Patron and Sustaining Members: